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Revelation 22 Devotion

“We are the champions, my friends.And we’ll keep on fighting till the end. We are the champions, we are the champions. No time for losers, ’cause we are the champions of the world” (We are the Champions by Queen). Jesus wins! Jesus wins! Jesus wins! We have fought the good fight and have been rewarded…

Revelation 21 Devotion

It sounds too good to be true! Have you ever been offered something that sounded way to good to be true? We see this all the time on the internet. “Buy this brand new car for $12.”   “4 night beach vacation for $100.”  There’s always a catch. “If it sounds too good to be…

Revelation 20 Devotion

“DON’T MESS WITH HIM! I’m telling you… don’t mess with him.” In high school I had a friend that didn’t look incredibly intimidating. His name was Tyler. He was a nice kid and for the most part minded his own business. One day, some loudmouth started in on Tyler. We warned the loudmouth to stop…

Revelation 19 Devotion

A few years ago, my best friends father was killed in a car accident. I flew to Atlanta to attend the funeral. I walked in expecting to see people crying and mourning the loss of a family member and friend. Instead, I walked into a church packed to max capacity. There were 6 pastors from…

Revelation 18 Devotion

“That’s Karma!” How many times have you seen someone do something rude or ignorant and almost immediately pay the consequences for it? Naturally, someone is bound to yell, “THAT’S KARMA!” Now, I don’t believe in Karma, but I do believe that sometimes we get exactly what we deserve. When someone flies past you on the…

Revelation 17 Devotion

Did you have a sibling or a friend that never seemed to get caught for the bad things they did? It seemed like you got caught for everything and they got caught for absolutely nothing. Your parents or teachers would punish you but somehow they got away with murder. Revelation 17 has a lot going…

Revelation 16 Devotion

Do you lay your clothes out at night for the next day? Experts say that those who take time each night to pick out their clothes for the next day are more organized, less stressed, and generally more successful in the mornings. Each morning you wake up prepared and ready to go. Others wake up,…

Revelation 15 Devotion

I couldn’t believe James was about to let me play his guitar. When I was in high school there was a family friend that was a fantastic musician. His name was James and he owned a 1964 Epiphone acoustic guitar. James would sit on the front porch of our friends house and sing rock, gospel,…

Revelation 14 Devotion

Today I had a Walmart wake up call. I ran into Walmart to grab a handful of essentials. I was in a hurry and made sure to get everything in the cart and to the checkout lane as fast and efficient as possible. Have you ever wondered why Walmart has 16 checkout lanes and a…

Revelation 13 Devotion

Did your parents or life leaders ever tell you “cheaters never win?” Did it ever confuse you that adults would say that, and yet you would see cheaters “winning” all the time. You would see classmates cheat on tests and not get caught. You’d see kids on the playground cheat during kickball and nothing would…

Revelation 12 Devotion

Do you ever feel like things aren’t the way they should be? Like this world isn’t right? We have evil, pain, and suffering. Will it ever stop? Why do we have all of this pain? Free will from God gives people the opportunity to choose evil. Unfortunately for those people there will come a day…

Revelation 11 Devotion

Make no mistake, God is and forever will be King. I think we often confuse God’s gift of free will for His lack of control. God has given us the amazing opportunity to choose to love and serve Him. Just because many of us have chosen evil does not mean that God is not sovereign…

Revelation 10 Devotion

Do you have any songs that can get stuck in your head all day? Songs like…. Baby Shark, Ice Ice Baby, Walking in Memphis…… One Christian song that plays through my head a lot is called, Awesome God by Rich Mullins, but sung by Michael W. Smith. ”Our God is an awesome God. He reigns…

Revelation 9 Devotion

Do we long to live or long to die? That seems like a silly question until we further examine it. Most people would say that they long to live. In fact, most people want to live their best life. However, just as we see in Revelation 9, some amongst us long to die. Those that…

Revelation 8 Devotion

I warned you! Has anyone ever said those three words to you? When I was about 7 years old I was at my cousins wedding reception. It was getting late and I was incredibly bored. I got creative and started melting little colored straws in the candle on the table. I would melt the ends…