
Hebrews 7 Devotion

Do you know how truly blessed you are? Do you know that you have a great High Priest who loves you unconditionally now and forever? Hebrews 7 is a powerful chapter. We see that Melchizedek was the first priest mentioned in the Old Testament. He helped point others towards God who alone can give us spiritual and eternal life. Melchizedek paved the way for Jesus who is now our one and only High Priest who sacrificed himself for us to save us from our sins now and for all eternity. “This change has been made very clear since a different priest, who is like Melchizedek, has appeared. Jesus became a priest, not by meeting the physical requirement of belonging to the tribe of Levi, but by the power of a life that cannot be destroyed.” (Heb 7:15–16NLT). Melchizedek was an earthly priest but had nothing in comparison to Jesus who showed his power from the resurrection. Melchizedek is no longer, but we can go to Jesus as our priest both now and forever. Now let’s talk about verse 7. WE ARE BLESSED! Not only because Jesus is our high priest, but because our blessings show us how incredible God is. Take a look at verse 7… “And without question, the person who has the power to give a blessing is greater than the one who is blessed.”  (Heb 7:7 NLT).  WITHOUT QUESTION… Jesus, the giver of all good things is greater than all of the blessings that he bestows on us. Think of every blessing you had today. Now think of the blessings you’ve had this week, this year, this decade, this lifetime. Jesus is far greater than every blessing you received added and multiplied time and time again. The giver of the blessings is greater than the one being blessed. Each and every time you think of your blessings, think of how mighty your God is.

Questions 1.) What are the first 10 blessings that come to mind?   2.) If you were to describe the greatness of God in a sentence, what would you say?

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